Increasing Canada’s soy reputation

Increasing Canada’s soy reputation

THIS PAST JUNE, a delegation of more than 70 people representing over 30 agricultural groups and four provinces took part in a federal government-organized trade mission to China to expand and improve trade access, continue to build on research and science collaboration, showcase Canada’s agricultural capabilities, and promote increased imports of Canadian agricultural products.

Jim Everson, executive director of Soy Canada, was part of the delegation. With the goal of building relationships for long-term partnerships, Everson was able to arrange a number of separate meetings with Chinese officials in addition to the itinerary set by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) to maximize Soy Canada’s time abroad. Several Soy Canada member organizations participated in the mission and in Soy Canada meetings.

“The Chinese market has been very strong but fairly volatile, with soybean imports increasing and decreasing in recent years. However, they remain a major buyer of soybeans, and are the largest importer in the world, with 70 to 75 million tonnes imported in 2014,” says Everson. “Canada’s production is on the increase, so there is a great deal of room to grow in exports to China.” In 2014, Canadian farmers produced over six million tonnes of soybeans. Read More…

Increasing Canada’s soy reputation

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