Why travel the world with samples if Canada’s goods aren’t available?

Why travel the world with samples if Canada’s goods aren’t available?

Allan Gotlieb is senior business adviser at Bennett Jones LLP, a former Canadian ambassador to the United States and undersecretary of state for external affairs.

Matthew Kronby is international trade and investment partner at Bennett Jones LLP and former head of the federal Trade Law Bureau.

More than a half-century ago, Pierre Trudeau’s Liberals launched a foreign-policy review. It dealt with every region of the world but failed to address an issue of growing concern to Canadians at the time: how to deal with our rapidly growing economic dependence on the United States and our increasing vulnerability to its overwhelming presence in our economy. Similar concerns will no doubt occupy Prime Minister Justin Trudeau when he visits Washington in March. Read More…

Why travel the world with samples if Canada’s goods aren’t available?

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